13 setembro 2008

Da cerveja para o leite...

"ScienceDaily (Sep. 9, 2008) — Milk may help prevent potentially dangerous bacteria like Staphylococcus from being killed by antibiotics used to treat animals, scientists heard September 8, 2008 at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn meeting being held at Trinity College, Dublin. Society for General Microbiology (2008, September 9). Em http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080907211948.htm"
E também em
"http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2008/09/08/Milk_may_help_bacteria_survive_antibiotics/UPI-69381220890852/" "DUBLIN, Ireland, Sept. 8 (UPI) - Portuguese scientists say they've learned milk may help protect potentially dangerous bacteria from being killed by antibiotics used to treat animals."

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